Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Web 2.0 Tools


1. Prezi

Prezi is a tool that allows students and teachers alike to create original and interesting presentations. Prezi makes presentations in a nonlinear way that goes beyond the normal, boring slide. Prezi can be created in a series of chronicle order. 

I would allow my students to create a Prezi as a reflection of what they had learned during an assignment and/or research. I would also use a Prezi presentation to present information to my students. 

2. Scrapblog

Scrapblog is a tool that allows people to combine pictures, videos, music, text, etc. into a public post. This blog can then be shared with friends, family, co-workers, and other people important to your life. This is a great and effective way to share personal pieces and important information in your life. 

I would give my students the option to create their own scrapblog to tell their story as a "get to know you" at the beginning of the school year. I would also create my own scrapblog to share class assignments, information, and upcoming events. 

3. Google docs

Google docs is a tool that is similar to Microsoft word. Google docs allows one to make written documents. Google docs do not have to be saved to a drive, but instead is automatically saved to the web

If I had internet access in my classroom I would require my students to write their papers through Google docs so that they were easier to access for both them and me. Seeing how most schools are becoming Google schools I would properly instruct my kids on how to use Google docs correctly. 

4. Enter the Group

Enter the Group is a tool that makes group work much easier. It allows teachers, students, and groups alike to collaborate ideas and create projects online. Enter the Group makes organization of group work easier and keeps the work in a common area. 

I would certainly ask my students to do their group work here in Enter the Group because it would integrate using technology in the classroom and it would make the entire process easier. I might even have other students view other groups' work online and critique it. 

5. Dropbox

Dropbox is a tool that allows one to save, share and sync files online. Dropbox can be used in a recreational manner to share files between friends and family. Dropbox can also be used in a classroom setting to turn in online assignments and files. 

I would use Dropbox in my classroom to have students turn in their assignments that we do online or on the computers. I prefer Dropbox because it can even be used on mobile devices. 

6. Blogger

Blogger is a tool that allows people to make their own blog through Google for free. Blogger is relatively easy and self explanatory to work and create. Blogs made through Blogger can be made either public or private depending on how much safety is needed for the author. 

If I were to ask my students to make a blog I would probably ask them to use Blogger because it is owned by Google and I would most likely be teaching in a Google school. I would have the students post in their blog maybe once a week just over what they had learned (and retained) in the classroom that week and what other things they would like to learn. 

7. Edmodo

Edmodo is a tool that is very similar to the Angel that we use at Henderson. It is a type of online class/group through which you can communicate with teachers and peers, see assignments, and turn in assignments. The great thing about Edmodo is that it is very private and one can only have an account through the teacher and school so there are no predators on this website. 

I would make a group on Edmodo for my kids to do their work through and such because it is user friendly, especially for younger kids. I would also give the parents of my students the account information so that they can ensure their child's work is being done. 

8. Twiducate

Twiducate is a tool that is pretty much twitter for your classroom. Twiducate is an educational social media. It allows the teacher and students to post "tweets" about their class and what they are learning. 

I would have a Twiducate account for my students to follow because we know how big kids are into social media (but this one is educational). I would post assignments and upcoming events and maybe even some "cliff hangers" to leave the kids interested in class and wondering what we are going to do next. 

9. Elluminate

Elluminate is a tool that allows interaction between three people. Elluminate includes an interactive whiteboard, ability to upload presentations, and/or have video, audio and text chats. 

I would use Elluminate not for my students but for my student's parents. We recognize that we live in a fast paced society and sometimes parents don't have time to come sit in a parent teacher conference, so I would offer this alternative to busy parents. 

10. Popplet 

Popplet is a tool that allows students to create their own ideas of videos, pictures and text. It also allows students to invite others to help them design their "masterpieces". Popplet allows students to put their own viewpoints and opinions into old ideas. 

I would use Popplet to allow my students to express themselves in a positive way. I would present them with a controversial topic, idea, subject, etc. and ask them to incorporate their own ideas and opinions. 

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